When you first think about getting into the professional nail business, your mind probably automatically jumps to glitter, rhinestones, and crazy effects that make people look twice on the street and ask “where did you get those done?!”. And that’s definitely what we all aim for! But before you can create those amazing looks, you need to start with a strong foundation, and that’s why it’s important to find the perfect builder gel for your business.
The best place to start is to ask the experts who have been through the trial and error phase, and are able to make recommendations
Below, I’ve compiled some recommendations from my educators and industry pros; they weigh in on their favourite builder gels, and what makes them so great!
Ramona Hales (Trendsetter’s Nail Studio): My favourite is Crystal Nails Titanium Xtreme Clear Gel. I love how it stays put, yet is super workable and melts into place where you want it, making structure easy to create as well as thin extensions. For me (as a mainly acrylic user) it has been the easiest gel for me to adapt to, and will always be my first choice. I've used it to create salon nails as well as to create extreme European shapes with ease. I also love to use it for creating raised gem effects, especially over baroque stickers etc
Crystal Earl (Polish Me Pretty Nails) My favorite is Crystal Nail Xtreme Cool Gel. I use it to fill mostly - as that's what most of my clients are - and the occasional full build. I love it because it is wicked strong, picks up on my brush beautifully, and I can move it around where I need it to go but it doesn't flow into the cuticles. It self levels, it is easy to file, and it doesn't have a big heat spike. I also have used it for salon style and extreme shaping with ease, cost is highly effective in big pots, and I can buy it from you, Kellie! 😉
Alison Poelen (Halo Esthetics by Alison): My go-to and favourite is also Crystal Nails Titanium Xtreme Clear Gel. It self levels beautifully. Flexible for most nails especially ones that have nice C curves. Easy to apply and easy to file.
Michelle Lavallee (Total NV Esthetics): I love my Design Gel by Elite Beauty Supplies. I love it because it moves nicely with my brush, and can pretty much eliminate any filing. I use it mainly to do fills and I rarely ever do a new build. Being a full time tech, I find the design is also very cost effective. Second to this one would be the Crystal Nail Xtreme Cool Gel.
Haley Van Diest (Fetish Nails): I'll second this; I love Crystal Nail Xtreme Cool Gel. It moves beautifully, and I’m able to control my shape and have far less filing to do because it stays where I want it. Flexible, durable and my clients love it. I've used it for 2 years now and it's changed my nail game for sure.
Kellie’s Pick: I have to go with Xtreme Cool Gel as well! This is the most recent addition to the Crystal Nails Builder family. This is some tough stuff! It has a medium to thick viscosity, but levels out beautifully. Designed specifically for the construction of extreme shapes, this gel pinches well, files like a dream, and has minimal heat transfer.
Hopefully you’re able to find something that works for you from this list! If you have another recommendation, let us know by tagging #thepinkchairnailstudio on social media and show us what you’ve got!
Talk to you soon!

Kellie, Oscar & Hazel